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Report on Facts and Concerns Regarding Chashma Right Bank Irrigation Project-Stage III (CRBIP-III)
and Grievance Redress and Settlement Committee (GRSC)

Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES)
. 7 May 2003

ll. Design Failures and Subsequent Damages, and Other Project-induced Problems and Concerns
Click above to view the illustrated summary of design failures and subsequent damages
A. Design Failures and Subsequent Damages
1. The Flood Carrier Channels (FCCs) have not been properly designed.
2. FCCs and distribution canals end abruptly before reaching the ultimate drainage point, the Indus River, and induce flooding in the riverine belt ranging from 3 to 7 kilometers.
3. Cross-drainage structures are too high for the floodwater to pass, and subsequently causes flooding in the western side.
4. Severe Restriction of Mobility due to lack of Bridges over FCCs and Distribution Canals.
5. Distributaries are often too deep and minor distributaries are dysfunctional without farmers to block the water to raise its level up or use petroleum-operated pumping systems.
6. Inadequacy and erosion of Flood Protection Embankments raise serious concerns for the safety of villages around the FCCs.
7. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) is insufficient and inadequate. Furthermore, attempts to transfer the burden to farmers have been made by the ADB Management.
B. Land acquisition, compensation, and other social and cultural problems
8. Problems regarding land acquisition and its compensation:
a. Land acquisition process was conducted illegally, and began before notifying the affectees.
b. Documentation process of the land acquisition has been arbitrary, and the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the land records are highly questionable.
c. Villagers demand for "land to land" compensation has been ignored.
d. Land and asset valuation for compensation is substantially below the current market rate.
e. Payment of compensation has been significantly delayed, and corruption of government officials has further hindered the affectees from receiving compensation and redress.
9. Compensation is not considered for losses of opportunities, land, and assets described below.
10. In-migration of the Pashto-speaking group has increased ethnic tension in the Chashma area, and conflict resulted in a murder and the injury of 5 people in mid March.
11. Inequality is broadened between the command area and non-command area, as well as landowners and tenants.
12. Women are marginalized; they are neither informed nor participating in decision-making.
13. Widespread corruption among the government officials and project administration.



III. Description of Villages: CRBIP-induced vulnerabilities and some of the demands of the local communities
A. Villages in Riverine Belt  
1. Villages Sakhani, Dhandla and Jhok Mishori
2. Village Lashari  
3. Village Morjhangi  
4. Village Ghaman  
5. Village Kandi Walla  
B. Villages on the west side of the main canal  
6. Village Ketehrey Vala  
7. Village Sokkar  
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